

We are aware that operating in our industry comes at various environmental costs. Since we cannot eliminate all of them completely, we have decided to take steps to minimise our negative impact and engage in work which contributes to a tangible change. We strongly believe that our planet needs our support now more than ever. We want to make sure that as a company and the individuals we take action and connect with a growing network of conscious individuals and companies making a difference for our planet. We would like to inspire others (clients, artists, contributors, partners and suppliers) to take action and connect with a growing network of conscious individuals and companies making a difference for our planet.


In 2020 we became a member of 1% for the Planet and partnered with World Land Trust by supporting their Buy an Acre programme through an annual donation of 1% of our gross revenue. Offering our financial support to the work of WLT is one the most important but not exclusive steps we have taken. In order to be more sustainable and reduce our environmental impact we have started what we believe is a lifelong journey of creating more conscious and responsible ways of working and living.

We run an office where paper usage is reduced to a minimum – we don’t produce any paper and printed material except for the photographic prints which are supplied, and only when specifically required by the clients. Whenever possible we use recyclable and reusable materials both inside and outside the office. We encourage our team to walk, cycle or use public transport on their daily commute. We are committed to use carbon neutral courier and transport services as often as possible. We make sure that in all our operations we are making environmentally conscious decisions and regularly evaluate our activities.


1% for the Planet is an international organisation started in 2002 by Yvon Chouinard, founder of Patagonia, and Craig Mathews, founder of Blue Ribbon Flies. Their mission is to build, support and activate an alliance of businesses financially committed to creating a healthy planet. 1% for the Planet believes that by bringing people together, we can create a healthy, just and sustainable future, even in unpredictable times. In 2019 1% for the Planet brought on 1,289 new business members globally and certified $27.2 million in giving to environmental nonprofits. The total lifetime giving of their network is now north of $265 million.

In the latter part of the 1980s World Land Trust paved the way with its innovative Buy an Acre programme. Its aim was to purchase land in order to protect endangered species and their native habitats. Over the course of three decades WLT, along with its network of local conservation partners, has carried out multiple worldwide projects related to the conservation of threatened areas and protection of their wild inhabitants. Partnerships with highly reputable local organisations guarantee the best standards of cooperation which leads to transparent and sustained projects to protect and preserve wildlife in collaboration with local people. Buy an Acre funds the creation and extension of protected reserves through supporter donations and immensely contributes to preventing wild ecosystems from disappearing.


In addition to other steps we are taking, we decided to start offsetting the energy and water used by our team working at the office and from home, as well as flights and public transport journeys. We have joined WLT’s Carbon Balanced programme which allows us to offset unavoidable residual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through the protection and restoration of carbon-rich wildlife habitats in the tropics.

Human emissions of greenhouse gases have an impact not only on habitat destruction which causes global temperature rise and anthropogenic climate change, but also on human systems including increased flooding, landslides, threats to food and water security, and health.

In 2008, WLT introduced a Carbon Balanced initiative offering individuals and companies the possibility of offsetting their unavoidable emissions through the programme focused on a three-step process to measure and reduce before offsetting residual emissions. All WLT’s carbon balanced projects are carefully designed according to the standards which guarantee that offsets are delivered at a range of sites where they are measurable, verifiable and properly monitored and can achieve high-quality REDD+ (Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) outcomes. Contributions to the Carbon Balanced programme are used to protect land from deforestation and degradation and to prevent the release of CO2 into the atmosphere.

© Lucas Bustamante
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